What I can do

I can build a fully functional full stack website. I primarily focus on Ruby and Rails, but I also took the liberty to teach myself Python because I wanted to challenge myself to learn a new language. I'm also comfortable working in Javascript, JQuery, Ajax, HTML, CSS, Sinatra, Heroku, AWS, PostgreSQL, SQL, Git, Bash, Agile Development, and Wire framing

As A Developer

Coding just to code is fun, but coding to impact the lives of others is powerful. My passion lies with writing readable, maintanable, and scalable code. I enjoy challenges and projects that push my boundaries and knowledge that allow me to learn something new, such as learning a new language and different techniques to become a stronger engineer. My goal is to continously build meaningful applications that change the way technology is used.

As An Average Person

I enjoy exploring and long walks around different neighborhoods. When I'm not in front of a computer coding, you can find me at the gym lifting weights. I'm also a hardcore gamer at heart and enjoy keeping up with the latest technology to fuel my creative mind to build more meaningful projects.


Lyrically Challenged

Developed a decoupled web app that allows users to search for music by hitting our backend that houses our multiple API calls. Was responsible for handling our different API calls. Created with Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, HTML/CSS.

Check it out here


An app that connects young girls in risky situations to health experts(to help get them educated). Created with Ruby, Rails, Javascript, HTML/CSS. Responsible for creating routes, translating languages and UI.

Check it out here


dev/Mission's website Created with HTML/CSS, Jekyll and Javascript. Responsible for helping to wireframe website and creating UI.

Check it out here


A voice recognition app that allows a user to navigate through the site hands free by using their voice. Responsible for creating the UI and handling the requests for the backend to send back the correct data. Created with JavaScript, HTML/CSS.

Check it out here